Hello again.
so sorry for being so long again. please pray for consistent internet and for my web page program to start working again.
I am writing to you from a new blog because my old webpage is experiencing serious technical difficulties. i believe it is still accessible but it is not editing very well.
we are all doing ok here in Indonesia. we are feeling at home. it took longer here than in Bolivia. not sure why. just noting that in a conversation with some friends here. we do love it here. some really good friends and a great job.
this school year is gearing up to be a busy one, but we truly believe that God has something amazing in store for our school. we have almost 200 students in our school this year. this is a huge praise. He is faithful.
our new administration team, Pete and Charity, could use your prayers for strength, wisdom from Him, and energy this year. it is proving to be a busy and tough one early on. they are a phenomenal team. we are grateful for their humble, godly leadership. david and i have partnered with these guys in prayer and accountability.
david is going to need your prayers for wisdom, strength, and energy as well. he is so excited about his role this year. he is so energized to be offering spiritual leadership to staff and students. pray that God will bless him with wisdom and godly counsel.
kim is working as the school nurse and teaching health. this is not quite the stretch of teaching ESL (English as a Second Language) was last year. :-) she is enjoying teaching the class. she so loves to be in contact with the students and engaging them in conversation about their lives and thoughts. pray for good relationships with the students.
the kiddos are having a great beginning of the school year. new friends, new classes and new teachers. we are so blessed to have such flexible children.
thanks so much for all your prayers and your financial support of the work that goes on here at the school. it is such a blessing. we could not do what we are doing here if it were not for you. thanks for being a most vital part of what goes on in our work with these kids at this school.
we are humbled and honored to have you as friends!!!
We got this idea from some friends of ours in Bolivia:
We are reading:
kim: Crazy Love by Francis Chan....highly recommend his podcasts as well.
The Shack by William Young...jury is still out/have not decided what i think yet
My Bible (ESV) daily.....my favorite book
Cost of Discipleship by Deitrich Bonhoeffer...tough read/convicting
Peacemaker by Ken Sande....CONVICTING and awesome
david: Mars Hill Classified Series by Austin Boyd
The Warriors by Mark Andrew Olsen...go Mark, man this is awesome stuff.
Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
Peacemaker by Ken Sande
My Bible
grace: Black by Ted Dekker
When God Writes Your Life Story by Eric and Leslie Ludy
The Chase by Jerry Bridges
My Bible
emma: The Silver Chair by CS Lewis
Her Bible
jeff: Holes by ?
My Bible
abi. my first Bible by Kenneth Taylor
anything by Dr Seuss
love you guys
have a great day
reflect Him in all you do
david, kim, grace, em, jeff, and abi